14 November 2012

Fullerton to Hollywood - Sunday 11th November

Let myself sleep in until 10am, then I got up, showered & dressed and continued the packing mission.  About an hour later I had packed the 3rd & 4th bags and this was when the real stress set in.  I had 1 bag that was overweight by 10lbs and I had 26.4lbs of stuff that needed to be packed.  Was I going to need a 5th bag?!?!?!  I did some research and found that it would be cheaper to post the extra stuff rather than take it on the flight as a 5th bag, BUT only if the extra stayed below 50lbs - it was the same price to post 50lbs as it was to take a 50lb 5th bag on the flight.  OK, so I just wouldn't buy anymore stuff and would have to box up & post some stuff home.  Not a problem.  G arrived at 2pm to pick me up, I checked out of the hotel and we headed to Burlington Coat Factory to return the items I didn't want.  Of course I couldn't just do that, I had to have a quick look at stuff, and in particular I wanted to see if they had the really nice dresses the store in Austin had had.  G & I could only find a few of the dresses I was looking for, we checked the Junoirs section but couldn't see anymore, however I did find a couple of other dresses.  I decided chose one of the fancy dresses from the front of the store as well & headed to the checkout, where I asked the lady if they had anymore of the fancy dresses & she told me where they were - the only place in the store G & I hadn't looked - so I went to have a quick looksie, which is never the case, and about 45 minutes later I headed to the checkout with another couple of dresses.  Well, that was the decision made then, I was going to be taking a 5th bag on the flight with me.  We then headed to the hotel in Hollywood where I would spend the last few days of my holiday.  We arrived about 6pm, checked in, got upgraded to a 2 Queen bed suite, which was lucky as G was staying for a couple of nights.  We managed to get all the bags & boxes up to the room with out incident, and I started the mission of repacking using a 5th bag.  About midnight, after much rearranging, re-weighing and sighing it was done - I had 4 bags packed and all under 50lbs.  Yay!!  Now just my main bag to go and no more buying anything.  I then started updating my blog as I realised it had been just over a week since the last update!!  I headed to bed about 2am coz my eyes were getting sore.
No pictures taken this day.


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