3 November 2012

Austin to San Antonio - Tuesday 30th October

Actually got up when my alarm went off (so proud of me!).  Showered, dressed and sorted out packing of my bags.  Thought I could get away with just one big bag & my backpack, but due to yesterday's shopping that wasn't going to happen.  Was all ready to go by 9am so I checked facebook & emails and googled some stuff about San Antonio, found out the bus station was about 500m from the hotel so I could walk it, yay!  Got to the bus station about 10am, was in line to check in my bags & pay the extra for the extra bag when a greyhound lady told me I didn't have to, she took my ticket & wrote out bag tags and when I said I have to pay the $10 for the extra bag she said "It's fine, don't worry about it."  Good start to the day!  The bus arrived on time, we boarded on time, and we arrived in San Antonio on time.  Things are going well.  I walked to the hotel, official check-in is 4pm but I was hoping I could check-in a few hours early (it was 12.40pm) and the girl at the front desk was extremely pleasant & friendly and checked me in without hesitation.  I went up to my room on the 12th floor & dumped my bags.  I sat & read the couple of brochure & maps the front desk girl had given me then decided to head out to Market Square as it is in the opposite direction of all the other stuff I want to see.  Started on my way and as I walked I passed a Payless Shoe Source store so I popped in there just to see if they had any knee high boots and what do you know they did, and the fit me!!  So of course I bought them, and another pair of shoes that were on sale, and a pair of shoes for Madison as they were half price.  I then asked the shop lady if I could leave the bag there & pick it up on my way back as I was going to Market Square and she said "No problem."  So I then headed to Market Square & browsed the shops they have there, and bought some souvenirs & gifts for friends & family.  I then made my way back, picked up my shoes & got back to the hotel about 4.30pm.  Did some more research on google, updated my blog, checked emails & facebook, then read for a while before heading down to the hotel restaurant for dinner.  Had a lovely dinner and a couple of drinks then went back up to my room and watched some tv before going to sleep about midnight.

Old building in San Antonio.
Yet another city that is filled with gorgeous & interesting buildings.
View from my room on the 12th floor.  They upgraded me to a room with a river view, only problem is balcony is closed due to renovations on the floors above so I can't actually see the river.
Can see the gorgeous sunset tho. :-)

A part of the riverwalk along side the San Antonio River that runs through the middle of the city.

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