14 November 2012

Hollywood 2nd visit - Monday 12th November

Woke up about 8am, showered & then had breakfast at the hotel.  Luckily it is free coz it wasn't that good.  After breakfast I did a load of washing and then G & I headed out & about as G had a couple of places she wanted to take me, but would only tell me what one of them was.  We did a Possum Shores mission first & then we drove to another area & that was when G showed me the secret place she wouldn't tell me about - it was a little restaurant/bar place called "Pips on La Brea".  LOL  We then stopped at Farmers Market as G wanted to get some cookies & were very lucky getting a parking spot.  It was a public holiday (Veteran's Day) so there were people EVERYWHERE!!  After Farmers Market we made a quick stop at a friend of G's work to give him a birthday present and then it was on to the next place G wanted to take me - The Pleasure Chest.  After a couple of hours in the store it was off to the place I really wanted to go - Griffith Park.  It is like Central Park in New York except bigger & a whole lot more hilly.  We didn't stay for the sunset as it was getting chilly & I hadn't brought a jacket, so we headed down the hill and to my favourite place in Hollywood - Mel's Drive In - for dinner.  We then headed back to the hotel, chatted for a bit, looked at some stuff on youtube, looked at some photos, and then I spent the rest of the night sorting photos & updating my blog.  It was a good thing G was here coz I needed help recalling where we had been on what days.  I finally went to bed about 4am.

I liked Hollywood so much I decided to open my own place!!  LOL
View of LA Central from Griffith Park.
Closer view of LA Central.
I started getting artistic in my last few days.  LOL
The Hollywood sign as seen from Griffith Park.
Looking out towards the sea from Griffith Park.
Another artistic shot.
Part of the Griffith Park area.
The Griffith Park Observatory.
Sundial outside the Griffith Park Observatory.
Time according to the sundial - 4.10
Time according to my watch - 4.10 - AMAZING!!  LOL
Ulrich outside the Griffith Park Observatory.
Apparently you can hike around Griffith Park.  Didn't find out personally tho.
The start of the sunset.
AAHHHH!!  Mel's Drive In - HEAVEN!!  One of the delicious Spiked Shakes.
I will really miss this!!  Dinner - mozarella cheese sticks, chicken tenders, onion rings & crumbed zucchini with ranch dressing.  


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