13 November 2012

Las Vegas to Anaheim (LA) - Wednesday 7th November

Got up about 8am, showered, dressed, packed and headed downstairs to check out & get a taxi to the bus station for my last Greyhound Bus trip.  Got to the bus station, checked my bag & then waited the hour before the boarding call was announced.  Got in line to board the bus & next thing a Las Vegas Police guy pulled a luggage trolley over & asked the first people in line to put their bags up to be checked.  What??!!  This is the first time in all my bus trips that this has ever happened.  Nothing happened, no one got pulled aside or was prevented from boarding the bus, not that I was hoping for something like that.  LOL  The bus left on time & we headed out of Las Vegas towards LA.  We stopped at Barstow for a 45 minute meal break, followed by a quick stop at San Bernadino before arriving at Anaheim.  It was just after we left San Bernadino that my friend G rang to say she was at the bus stop address I had given her but the lady at the counter said they weren't expecting an buses in and we found out that I had given her the address of the Lux Bus station (the bus I had taken to Las Vegas 2 months earlier) not the Greyhound Bus station.  Argh!! Luckily the Greyhound Bus station was only a 2 minute drive away.  Phew!  We pulled into the bus station and I got off and said a fond farewell to Greyhound Buses & thanked them for transporting me around the US of A.  G then took me to my hotel in Fullerton (the same one where I stayed at the start of my trip) and gladly gave me the suitcase I had left at her house along with the 5 boxes of stuff I had posted to her during my trip.  Yay!!  It was like christmas unpacking the boxes & seeing all the stuff I had bought, some of which I had forgotten about.  We chatted while I unpacked, then G left about 9.30pm.  I continued unpacking & sorting and about 1am then got into bed & watched tv until about 5am when I decided I really should get some sleep before a day at Disneyland.


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