31 August 2012

OC - part 2 (Thursday 30 August)

Got woken up by a wake-up call from the hotel, not sure why as I didn't request one.  Got up at 8am & got ready for a day out & about.  G picked me up about 9.30am and we headed to Newport Beach.  We drove around & looked at some interesting houses and some big houses, and stopped at a little park in between the big houses that overlooks the harbour.

Interesting house in Newport Beach.  The arch over the door is completely mosiac.
View from small park overlooking Newport Harbour.
Another view of Newport Harbour.
Closer view of some of the houses at Newport Harbour.
The hazy bit at the top is the ocean.
Huge house at Newport Harbour.
We then went into Newport town and went to Ruby's Diner where we had beignets. I had a Black Forest milkshake & the Really Big Breakfast (3 eggs (sunny side up), bacon, sausage, ham, fried potatoes & buttered toast.

My Black Forest milkshake from Rubys Diner in Newport. Had actual chunks of cherries in it.
My Really Big Breakfast.
Cool car that went around on a loop in the diner.
Another shot of the cool car, and managed to get one of the waiters in as well.
Me with our waitress at Rubys Diner.
After that we went to Roger's Gardens and saw their Halloween display.  I don't know of anywhere back home that does a display like this - it was amazing!

Pumpkin anyone??
Close up of some of the pumpkins.
More pumpkins.
And more pumpkins.
Some of the Halloween items on display & for sale.
More Halloween stuff.
And more Halloween stuff.
And even more Halloween stuff.
My friend wearing one of the many hats available.
If you're not into Halloween they have Harvest stuff.
Is it Christmas already??
Just a tiny portion of the Christmas stuff available - there were 3 rooms full!!
And you have a choice of Santa's.
Then it was off to a richer part of Newport Beach & some huge houses.  We stopped at Lookout Point which is above the beach & looks out onto the Pacific Ocean.

A HUGE house in Newport Beach - not finished yet.
Lookout Point which looks out over the Pacific Ocean.
Looking down onto Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach from Lookout Point.
Looking up the harbour from Lookout Point.
Houses across the road from Lookout Point.  Thought of Mum when I saw this - big new house in the middle of 2 small old houses.  Could just imagine Mum in the small white house on the right. :-)
From there we drove to Balboa Island & had a bit of a walk around & drive around and then we took the car ferry over to Balboa Peninsula and drove around there, went onto Lido Island & drove around oohing & ahhing at the houses there.

Ulrich the rebel sitting on the rail on the car ferry.
Next it was back to Newport Beach & a place known as Fashion Island where we had an early dinner at PF Changs, walked around the shops, rested beside the koi pond, bought some macarons.

One of the entries to Fashion Island.  It's like a HUGE mall but all outside. 
PF Changs on Fashion Island where we had an early dinner.
Koi pond amongst the shops on Fashion Island.
 We then went to a bakery & bought a couple of treats - not for us tho.

Look at all those yummy treats!!
And more yummy treats!!

The bakery where the above yummy treats were - and yes, it is a bakery that makes treats for dogs.  

It was then time to head back to Fullerton & the hotel for a jacuzzi.  Which again I was a tad heavy handed with the bubble bath, should read the directions on the bottle I suppose.  LOL

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