31 October 2012

Austin - part 3 - Sun 28th Oct & Mon 29th Oct

Sunday 29th October - got out of bed about 10am, did some heel callus cleanup on my feet, had a shower & got dressed ready to head out into Austin with Shelli again.  As it was nearly 12pm we decided to have something to eat first before walking around, so we went to a cafe Shelli likes (Magnolia Cafe) and OMG the people!!  It was a repeat of Pappadeaux the night before! We put our names on the list & were told it would be about a 40 minute wait so we went next door to a little knick-knack shop to look around while we waited.  Shelli decided to buy a couple of things, and just as she got to the counter they called her name to say our table was ready, so I headed over & got our table so we didn't miss out.  Then it was OMG while looking at the menu, there was so much to choose from.  Shelli said this was the only place where she would eat the pancakes so I had to have at least one of those, and then I saw bison on the menu so of course I had to have some of that as well.  I ended up having a bacon cheese burger with bison meat patty and a buttermilk pancake with strawberries & blackberries.  I asked the waitress for a menu coz I couldn't remember the name of a drink I wanted to try and her comment was "Oh, you have so much food coming you don't want anymore."  She smiled when I said all I wanted was a drink.  But of course she was right.  I didn't get as full as last night, but I was very pleasantly full.  The bison burger tasted like . . . . chicken.  HAHAHAHAHAHA  No, really, it tasted just like beef.  I didn't eat many of the "home fries" that came with it, partly coz they had been tossed in a pepper & paprika seasoning, but mainly coz I was too full after eating my pancake.  Which when it came out surprised me a bit as when I ordered I thought the fruit would come as a side but it was actually cooked into the pancake, and it was delicious!!  After lunch we headed off to check out some of the shops in the area, starting with a boot place coz I want some boots, but once inside I saw they were all 'cowboy' style boots & that wasn't what I was after, and even more so after seeing the price of them.  So we left there and had a look at a couple more knick-knack shops.  We then headed to a Wal-mart so I could get a few supplies, but once we got there it wasn't there, so we started heading to a HEB store when we saw the Wal-mart - they had moved it, the sneaky buggars.  So we headed in, got my supplies, and of course a few other things.  When we got back to the car we debated whether or not to head to 6th Street for a wander, but since it was already 5.15pm, and Shelli still had a 1.5hr drive home we decided to pass on that and headed back to the hotel.  We sat & chatted & looked at some of my trip photos, and then Shelli headed off home. I checked facebook & emails and thought about going to Pappadeaux for dinner again but I didn't think my stomach could handle it. Then a short while later I realised Shelli had left her bread pudding behind - OH NO!!  I then sorted & renamed the few photos I had taken that day, updated my blog & watched tv while I ate mine & Shelli's leftover bread pudding.

Some of the houses in the area were painted very bright colours.
My bison burger with cheese & bacon and home fries.
The State Capitol Building in the distance - taken from the car while on Congress Drive.
A really cool looking building in Austin - taken from the car.

Monday 29th October - woke up about midday as I had stayed up until 5am watching tv, had a shower, got dressed & then got a taxi to the post office. I did think about walking there, according to google maps about a 22min walk, but my bag of stuff to post was rather heavy so I took the easy way.  Packed & posted yet another box of stuff to my friend in LA and then decided to walk back to the hotel since my bag was much lighter - 22lbs to be exact, that is how heavy the parcel was.  I should have arrived back at the hotel about 2pm, but on the way I passed a Burlington Coat Factory so I popped in for a looksie, and 4 hours later I came out with yet more stuff.  I might need my own shipping container if I keep going at this rate.  And no matter how sternly I tell myself not to buy anything, I always disobey myself, so I am now just going to allow myself to buy whatever I want.  LOL  I got back to the hotel, dumped my bag on the bed & collapsed on the couch.  My back was killing me, why I do not know.  I took a couple of pills & then started to do a sort out & initial repack.  After finishing that I checked emails & facebook and updated my blog.  I did think about going to Pappadeaux for dinner but my back was too sore & I was a bit tired, also I wasn't overly hungry.  One Pappadeaux meal + one Magnolia Cafe meal = enough food to tide one over for a week.  LOL

I am doing the typing part of my blog each night as I tend to forget what I have done & remembering takes a lot of time & some effort.  Had an early night as had to be up & packed & at the bus station by 10am for my bus to San Antonio the next day.

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