Saturday 13th October - got up mid-morning, showered & dressed. Sorted out my washing & went downstairs to do the 1st load. Used the hotel computer to check out places of interest, find & print directions and checked facebook. Put 1st load in the dryer then went upstairs to my room, got 2nd load & back downstairs to put that on. Went back upstairs to my room & got 3rd load, back downstairs & put that on, took 1st load out of dryer, up to my room, folded & put away. Went back downstairs, put 2nd & 3rd loads in dryers, went back up to my room & mucked about for a bit. Then it was back downstairs, removed 2nd & 3rd loads from dryers, back up to my room, folded washing & put away. By this time is was mid-afternoon so I mucked about on the computer some more, then got a headache from blowing my nose so lay on the bed & napped for a bit. Woke up mid-evening, watched some tv and just blobbed till I fell asleep.
Sunday 14th October - woke up mid-morning, showered & dressed, checked facebook & emails, checked directions for where I was going, went downstairs & got a taxi to Walmart. A few hours later I returned to the hotel with everything I had on my list, and surprise surprise, a whole heap of stuff that wasn't on my list. Plopped bags on the bed, put frozen stuff in the freezer (toaster strudels!), put chilled stuff in the fridge, made a cup of tea, then checked facebook & emails. A wee while later I sorted out my purchases, folded them neatly & put them in a bag. I then had some steamed vegetables for dinner & watched tv till I fell asleep.
Monday 15th October - got out of bed about lunchtime, beautified my feet which took just over an hour, then showered & dressed. Checked facebook & emails, sorted out some of the music on my tablet & watched some tv. About 6.30pm Kimberley picked me up & we went to Red Lobster for dinner - endless shrimp! Got back to the hotel about 9pm, spent another half hour or so talking to Kimberley, then made my way back to my room. Checked facebook & emails, watched tv and went to bed about 1am.
Me, Kimberley & Ulrich attempting the self-photo. |
Tuesday 16th October - got up earlyish, showered & dressed and then headed to the shopping centre nearby to have a looksie. Spent most of the day there, bought a couple of books, had lunch at PF Changs, bought some more clothes for Madison & some for Dominique as well. Got back to the hotel, made plans to go to the US Space & Rocket Center (as I found out the hotel has a shuttle which will take you there no charge!), went up to my room & blobbed for a bit. Then I updated my blog, exciting few days I have had, checked facebook & emails. Had the shrimp linguini I brought back from Red Lobster the night before for dinner, watched some tv and went to bed about midnight.
Wednesday 17th October - Got up earlyish, showered, partially packed & then got the hotel shuttle to the US Space & Rocket Center for a quick visit. Didn't expect it to be too interesting as space & rockets not really my thing so only expected to be there for about an hour or two, but I got there about 9.30am and I had to leave before I saw everything as I had to check out of the hotel by 2pm. It is also the home of Space Camp and Aviation Challenge. There was a very interesting exhibit about Von Braun at the start, but there were 2 classrooms of 7-8 year olds visiting at the same time as me so I didn't get any photos of any of the inside exhibits.
Entrance to the US Space & Rocket Center. |
Finally got to see up close those pointy things I kept seeing from the roads. This is outside the USSRC, the kids had all been taken for learning sessions so it was pretty quiet outside. :-) |
Some interesting stuff. This isn't a rocket, it's a landing module. |
Recreation of the moon surface. |
The Saturn V rocket - carried many space missions - the tallest of the tall pointy things one sees from the roads - apparently this is a recreation, the real one is in the building next to this. |
Skylab - not sure if this is a recreation or real. The lady at the entrance told me that the exhibits standing up were recreations & the ones on their sides were real, actual used things. |
A retrieval submarine. And the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this? "We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine". And I bet you sung it in your head as well!! |
Some more of the outside exhibits. |
Ulrich beside the Saturn V rocket recreation. Was quite difficult getting the whole thing in the photo when up this close. |
Memorial wall of all the space missions. |
Close up of one of the plaques on the wall. |
Neil Armstrong's moon boot print. |
Inside the "Saturn V Hall". This is the end of the actual Saturn V rocket, with a bit of the head of an actual V2 rocket as well. |
One of the many, many space mission related exhibits in the very, very long Saturn V Hall. This is a simulator astronauts used. |
Another space mission related object. |
Part of the engine of the Saturn V rocket. |
The actual lunar buggy from the 1969 first moon landing. All together now - WOW!!! |
The actual Apollo 16 Command Module that flew to the moon & back - it was launched by a Saturn V rocket on 16th April 1972 and landed back on earth 11 days later with the crew & 208 pounds of moon rocks. All together now - WWOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!! |
An actual moon rock. All together now "Oh. Hhmmm." LOL |
Looking back down the Saturn V Hall at the suspended rocket, well parts of it, couldn't get the whole thing in so chopped off the top part. |
A model of a 'Moon Base'. |
Something one of the 'space' companies is working on. And, yes, there is an actual little 'doll' standing in the bathroom section. *giggle* |
One of the outside exhibits I didn't have time to get to. |
Got back to the hotel about 1.30pm, finished packing, checked out & caught a taxi to the bus station to catch my 6.30pm bus to New Orleans. Got to the bus station about 2.20pm & spent the next 4 hours watching the people. Was not a very big bus station, and was in the middle of business district nowhere (no shops, take-aways or such nearby), but some very interesting people passed through. Also made a friend which helped the time to go by. What didn't help was the bus being 20 minutes late, but it was all good when it finally did arrive. Had a quick stopover in Birmingham & then changed buses in Mobile before arriving in New Orleans at 5.30am Thursday morning. NB: continued in new post 'New Orleans - part 1 - Thurs 18th Oct'.
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