12 October 2012

New York to Memphis (Tuesday 9th October)

Woke up early, checked in online for my flight & changed my seats so I had window seats on both flights. Finished packing my bags and got ready to leave.  Got a taxi to La Guardia airport & arrived at 9.40am just over 2 hours before my flight was to scheduled to leave. Checked in & paid extra for my 2nd checked bag - I really have to stop buying stuff - got through security all good and made my way to the gate.  Did some crosswords while waiting until they announced ready to board.  Got on the plane and then had to wait in line (I know!!) for about half an hour before we could take off.  I thought the flight to Washington DC was about an hour but it was actually about half an hour flight.  What?  OK.  Was quite chuffed when we landed as I could see the top of the White House and the Lincoln Memorial from the plane! Got off at Washington DC (Reagan) airport and had just under 2 hours till the next plane left.

Waiting in line for take off at La Guardia Airport.
Coming in to land at Washington DC. 
Taxi-ing to the gate at Washington DC airport. What's that dome shaped thing in the distance? 
Am pretty sure it's the White House.
And the Lincoln Memorial. Cool!!  Didn't even have to get off the plane to see some Washington DC sights.  LOL

Went to the gate when they announced ready to board flight to Memphis and WTF??!!  We got onto a bus. Yes, a bus. OK, a bit nervous at this stage. Then we drove onto the tarmac to where some little planes were lined up with the steps down. We're going on one of those??  Not too sure about this. And it didn't help that our bus driver didn't know which plane he was supposed to take us to.  We finally arrived at the correct plane and walked up the steps in to the wee cabin.  There were only 12 rows of 4 seats, and we only had one air steward.  Was very nervous but ok, as long as we get there.  We took off (wasn't as exciting as in a big plane but I still loved it) and a few minutes later I feel asleep.  There is something so peaceful about being on a plane in the air. I woke up about just as we were getting ready to descend into Memphis.  

The wee plane I flew from Washington DC to Memphis on & the buses that take you to the plane.  According to the pamphlet on the plane it's a CRJ-200. 
Coming in to Memphis. 
Coming in to Memphis - the mighty Mississippi River.

Got off the wee plane, picked up my baggage & got a shuttle to the hotel. On the way there the shuttle driver told me she could take me to the Greyhound bus station as it was next to the airport so I arranged & paid for that before we got to the hotel, and as I discovered when I went to check in it was the wrong hotel. There are 2 hotels on the same road & she took me to the one she knew, not the address I had given her.  *eye roll*  The hotel I had a reservation at was about 10 blocks away and since I was tired & had so many bags I just booked into the hotel I was at.  Which is a bit more expensive, but also a lot closer to downtown Memphis, so it's not so bad.  Made it to my room & collapsed for a few minutes before getting my stuff sorted. Then I went downstairs to make sure they had checked me in for 3 nights, not just that night, which was lucky as they had only checked me in for that night.  Also found out the post office is quite close so that is good as I have to send stuff to G.  Came back up to my room & worked on updating my blog, went to bed about 11pm as had to be up early for my visit to Graceland the next day.

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