4 October 2012

Pittsburgh (Fri 28 Sept-Sun 30 Sept)

Friday 28th September - slept most of the day.  Got up late afternoon and had a shower.  Watched some tv, checked facebook & googled a couple of things.  About 7pm I decided I really should eat something so I went down to the hotel restaurant and had dinner, which was a dish called "The Black & The Gold", don't know why, don't know the relevance of the name but it was steak on a bed of lettuce with pierogi's.  As it happens pierogi was one of the things I googled earlier.  LOL  After dinner I headed back up to my room and watched tv and fell asleep.  Such an exciting day.  LOL

Saturday 29th September - woke up about 8am and had a shower so I was ready when my friends Carol & Michaelann arrived to pick me up & take me into Pittsburgh for some sight-seeing and lunch.  They arrived about 11am and I rushed out the door to the elevator, which took ages so I rushed down the stairs, made a quick complaint to the front desk about the elevator and then rushed out the door and couldn't find them, so I rang Carol's phone & she said they were in the hotel at the registration desk, I asked if they were at the correct hotel as I hadn't seen them, she said they were, I turned around & there they were walking towards me from inside the hotel.  I had rushed straight past them.  LMAO  We then said our hello's & got into Michaelann's Jeep and headed to Central Pittsburgh.  It was quite an interesting drive as neither of them come into Pittsburgh often so were a bit disoriented.  Oh, and they both actually live in Ohio, so they crossed a state line to visit me.  I tells ya, this whole state & state line thing still has me shaking my head.  LOL  We headed to a place called Station Square and then went up the hill in a trolley type car thing to a lookout.  The view was amazing.  After appreciating the view we then headed back down & went to Station Square for lunch.  We had lunch at a place called Houlihan's and we all had the same thing!  Great minds think alike. :-)  We then did a wee bit of shopping before heading back to the hotel so that they could leave by 4pm as it is an hours drive and Michaelann had to be home by 5pm.  After they left I was on facebook for a bit, updated my blog, watched some tv and then fell asleep.

Why don't they build buildings like this anymore?
No it's not a rollercoaster ride, it's how you get to the top of the hill.  It's called the Monongahela Inclined Plane and was built in 1869-1870.
And, yes, we went up it.  
View of Pittsburgh from the lookout platform at the top of the hill.

Ulrich enjoying the view.  I don't think he is as scared of heights as I am.
Michaelann, Carol & me.

Sunday 30 September - woke up early with the intention of going into Pittsburgh to see a couple of places but fell back asleep & didn't wake up again till nearly lunchtime so flagged going into Pittsburgh.  Got dressed & decided to go down the hill & do a bit of shopping instead.  Bought lots again, and as usual not what I actually needed.  LOL  Walked back to the hotel, sorted out my shopping, checked emails & facebook, sorted & renamed photos and updated my blog.  Such an exciting life I lead.  Was actually very nice to wander around outside in the fresh air, no having to keep an eye on the time or be preoccupied with taking photos.

View from the front carpark of the hotel.  And, yes, I walked down to the shops and back up again.
Close up of the trees on the opposite hillside.  Just starting to change colour.
View of the hotel from the shops.
Changing leaves.
Trees in the front carpark of the hotel.

Early to bed as had to rise early to get back into Pittsburgh to catch bus to Boston.  Travelling is very exhausting.  LOL

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