14 October 2012

Memphis - part 2 (Thurs 11th October)

Slept in as I didn't have anything actually planned for the day, except sending stuff to G for safe keeping.  Left the hotel about 11am & headed to the post office, boxed up & sent off my stuff then discovered in the half-hour I had been in the post office it had started to rain, not Boston rain, real rain. Great. I had my umbrella so I decided to still walk up Main Street to have a looksie.  Not the best idea when one is wearing sandals, my shoes & feet got wet and then my shoes started coming off, so I decided to get on the trolley car and go for a looksie in the dry.  The trolley car went down past the riverfront, which was rather interesting and then back up Main Street. I missed my stop so decided to just stay on the trolley until it went round again. On the 2nd time round I got off at Beale Street & went for a stroll along there. It had stopped raining by this time and my feet & shoes had mostly dried out.  Walked down Beale St & went around the block, back to Beale St, went into one of the gift shops & bought a couple of magnets (I was so proud of myself!!) and then made my way back to the hotel.  Got back to the hotel & up to my floor where there was an alarm going off, one of the hotel staff said it was the fire alarm so I had to turn around & go back downstairs. They thought it was a false alarm so I was allowed to sit in the lobby until  the fire department had been & given the all clear. When the fire trucks arrived I decided to go outside to get a couple of photos for my nephew and saw 4 fire trucks outside & another one coming down the street. I got a couple of photos just as they gave the all clear & all but one fire truck left as I went back inside & up to my room. Got to my room & neither of my key cards would work so it was back downstairs again. Found out that they had expired that day, why the lady at the front desk didn't know as it showed that I was checking out tomorrow (Friday). Anyway, she reset the key cards & I was finally able to get into my room & relax with a nice hot cup of tea.  I then transferred, sorted & renamed photos, checked facebook & updated my blog.  Had an early night as my nose blocked up & my throat was a bit sore.  That's what you get for going walking in Memphis & getting wet feet. *sniffle*

The Mighty Mississippi River - taken from the trolley car.
They are pretty big houses along the river front.
Across the street from the big houses.  
One of the many cool buildings in Memphis.
The Orpheum Theater.
A fancy painted big cat - not sure if it's a panther or a mountain lion.  There were a few of these around but I only got the 1 photo.
Looking down Beale Street.  I saw police cars everywhere I went while walking in Memphis.
The Daisy on Beale Street - a really cool exterior.
Memphis's answer to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A really cool idea I reckon.
Balls outside the FedEx Forum main entrance.
Guess who.  LOL  This is only 1 of 2 Elvis statues in Memphis.
Exciting times at the hotel.

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