28 October 2012

New Orleans to Austin (Monday 22nd October)

Got up far too early and got a taxi to the bus station.  This is the part I am starting to dislike about my travels - you have to be at the bus station 1 hour before the scheduled departure time of the bus, so you get there, check your bag and then wait for an hour, or as has become the norm lately, more than an hour as the bus arrives late.  Anyway, finally got onboard the bus and headed on my way to Austin, Texas.  Now one thing that has me confused/flustered is how do you know when you cross a State line?  As far as I have been able to see there are no markers or signs or anything telling you that you are leaving one state & entering another.  Anyway, made a few stops then arrived at Houston for transfer to a different bus for the rest of my journey to Austin.  Bus was scheduled to leave at 5.35pm, we actually left at 5.50pm and since I hadn't slept much before now as it was day I decided to get some sleep now, but alas I was unable to do so due to a couple of people on the bus who decided that a bus ride is a social event and talked nearly the whole way, and at a loud volume because the whole bus needed to hear their conversation.  It did not help that at 9pm when the bus was scheduled to arrive in Austin we were still on the road & I found out, thanks to the loud persons, that we were about another 30-40 minutes from Austin.  WTF!!??!!!  I put this down partially to the fact that we had a new driver, and I believe she was a new American citizen as well from her accent.  Anyway . . . finally got to Austin about 9.35pm, got off the bus and to my surprise, and happiness, I saw the sign for the hotel and found out that it was about 500m down the road so I proceeded to walk to sanctuary.  By the time I checked in & got to my room it was about 10pm and I was rather tired, but as one does I checked emails & facebook and messaged my friend to let her know I was here and then spent an couple of hours chatting to her and my flatmate.  About midnight I was nearly falling asleep at the desk so I said my goodnights and went to bed.

No photos taken this day.  There were a few things I saw that I thought I should photograph but by the time I got my camera out & ready we had gone past so I decided to flag the whole picture idea.  Also, I have found that people get antsy when you point a camera in their direction as the thing you want to photograph is out their window.

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