9 October 2012

Pittsburgh to Boston and Boston part 1 (Mon 1st Oct-Tues 2nd Oct)

Monday 1st October - woke up early, showered, dressed, repacked bags & caught taxi to bus station to catch bus to Boston.  Left Pittsburgh Monday 1st October at 11.15am, arrived in Boston Tuesday 2nd October at 5am.  While on the bus I realised that I was nearly halfway through my trip, doesn't seem like I have been here that long.  Saw some really lovely scenery, while it was light.

Clock in Central Pittsburgh - someone stole the time.
The streaks are made by planes leaving 'atmosphere trails', apparently this is to 'modify' the weather.

Tuesday 2nd October - arrived at the hotel about 7am & was able to check in early.  Got my bags sorted, checked emails & facebook and then took a nap for a couple of hours.  Woke up about 10.30am, refreshed & changed then headed off to the subway, which was only a 7-8 minute walk from the hotel.  This was the first time I have caught the subway since being here.  Was rather surprised at how easy it was, and how there weren't many people.  Went to Boston Common, walked around, took photos like a real tourist and talked to some squirrels.  LOL

Part of Boston Common.
Oooooo look, Boston squirrel!  
Just to prove there is more than one squirrel.
Squirrel eating a nut.
More of Boston Common.
Squirrel in a tree eating a nut.  No, I haven't gotten over my squirrel fascination.  LOL
Memorial in Boston Common.
Plaque at bottom of above memorial.
More Boston Common, with a pond.  Well not really a pond, it was but they filled it with concrete, now it's more like a 30cm deep pool.
More Boston Common.
Trees in Boston Common.
LOVE the changing leaves on the trees.
Downtown Boston from Boston Common.
The 'new' State House.
Civil War Memorial opposite the new State house, just outside Boston Common.
Me walking on part of the original paths in Boston Common.

Took the subway down to Long Wharf & caught the 1-hour ferry over to Salem.  It started raining while I was on the ferry, and I fell asleep while on the ferry.  When I got off at Salem my feet were sore as well so I went to the ticket office & bought a ticket back to Boston.  I know, what a piker, but in my defence I hadn't had much sleep, my feet were sore, it was raining & it was 3.30pm so everything would close soon. On the way back I organised a tour for the next day.

Downtown Boston from the wharf.
Long Wharf, Boston Harbour.
Custom House Block, Long Wharf, Boston Harbour.
Interesting building at Boston Harbour.
Leaving Boston Harbour for Salem.
Coming into Salem Harbour.
Houses along Salem Harbour.
Ulrich keeping out of the rain on the ferry back to Boston.

Anyway, got back to Boston about 4.30pm, thought about having an early dinner at a restaurant nearby but really just wanted to get back to the hotel & sleep, went down to the subway to get back to the hotel and O.M.G! The people. So many people. And then the train pulled up and O.M.G! again, they were packed like sardines.  It was so different to when I had come in earlier that day.  Since I wasn't in a rush I sat on a bench for about half an hour & watched in fascination.  Got back to the hotel about 6.30pm, had dinner in the restaurant, went back up to my room, checked emails, facebook, etc and went to bed early.  Had to be up early for my Boston tour the next day.

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