30 September 2012

Cincinnati-Pittsburgh (Thurs 27 Sept)

Woke up early & went with Vickie to drop Larry at work as I had to go back to the post office to get a smaller box.  Got back to the house, packed & addressed the box, packed my bags, checked facebook and then headed off to the Greyhound station in Cincinnati.  I went to do some blog updating but the free wi-fi signal was extremely weak & kept disconnecting so I decided to have a wee nap instead.  The bus arrived on time & by 12.50pm we were on our way to Columbus, Ohio, where we arrived on time at 2.30pm.  We then had a 2 hour layover for the next bus to Pittsburgh so I had something to eat & did a bit of blog typing.  Went over to the gate about 4pm to wait for the announcement to line up for the bus and got told that the bus was late as it had broken down on the way.  So I had another wee nap.  The bus finally arrived about 5.40pm and we were on the road to Pittsburgh about 6pm.  I didn't manage to get a window seat as the bus was very full so tried to sleep most of the way, but was not very successful at this.  Finally arrived in Pittsburgh about 9.20pm, got a taxi to my hotel, sorted my things out, checked facebook & emails then headed to bed.

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