18 September 2012

Chicago - part 1 (Tues 11th Sept)

Got up, did my washing, then headed off to downtown Chicago to visit the John G Shedd Aquarium.  I did plan to visit the Field Museum as well coz it is next to the Aquarium, but I spent a bit too long at the aquarium & the museum was closed when I came out at 5pm.  I couldn't believe I had spent 5.5 hours at an aquarium, but what an aquarium it was.  It was AMAZING!!  I took lots of photos but as no flashes were allowed some of the photos didn't come out very well, which could be a good thing coz there were some damn ugly fish.  Also the fish weren't very co-operative & kept moving, so I ended up taking video of most things.  I saw a 4D movie about Planet Earth, which was interesting; the seat vibrated when it was windy, when the water splashed against the rocks some water was sprayed at you from the chair in front, and when the shark jumped out of the water to catch a seal you got poked in the back from an object in the chair, was a very interesting experience.  I also saw an aquatic show with Beluga whales and a sea lion.  I got a taxi back to the hotel, rested my feet for a wee bit & then headed to the Walmart down the street for some supplies.  When I got back to the hotel room I put some cream on my feet, lay on the bed, turned on the TV & promptly fell asleep.

The main entrance to John G Shedd Aquarium.
One of the numerous tanks/exhibits at the aquarium.  This is a spotted stingray.
This is actually just one turtle halfway in/out of the water. I thought it looked cool. 
Giant Monkey Frogs.
Feeding time for some of the turtles.
More fish & a turtle.
The amphitheatre were they hold the aquatic shows.  It looks out over the bay.  There is a large cover/curtain that comes down & covers all the windows when the show starts.
More of the amphitheatre.
The projected a close up of the trainers on the curtain/cover.
Beluga whales doing some tricks.  They were just like dolphins.
Tide pool exhibit.  The starfish is bent backwards so it stays under the water.
Lovelace has found a new home!!  LOL
Spot the sea creature.
Yes, it really is a sea creature.  It's a type of leafy sea dragon.
The special jellyfish exhibit.
Little jellyfish.
Upside down jellyfish (that really is what they are called and they really are upside down & they don't move).
Lazy jellyfish.  The are actually called Flower Hat Jellyfish.  They don't move very much.
Little wee jellyfish aka Spotted Lagoon Jellyfish.
Chicago skyline.  View from the deck where I had lunch at the aquarium.

Turtle posing for a photo especially for Sarah Sellars.  :-D
Ugly fish.  Sorry, but they are.
Pretty fish.  :-)
Spot the animals - yes there is more than one in here.
Close up of one of the animals from the above photo.  Tiny frog - aka Poison Dart Frog.
Funky tiny frog.
Hiding tiny frog.
More ugly fish.
Huge round aquarium with a diver inside giving a bit of a talk on the fish.
Really cool fish!!
Stingray pool. I couldn't walk on it, I was too scared I would fall thru.
Bruce!!  LOL  Ulrich catching a ride on a sea turtle.
Huge crab.  And he looked grumpy.
Spider crab.  Wonder how they came up with that name.  LOL
These are actually seahorses.  They wouldn't stay still for photos so I had to video them.

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