18 September 2012

Chicago to Cincinnati (Friday 14 Sept)

Got up & repacked my bags.  Again hoped my big bag was under 50lbs as the bus has a weight limit (go figure!).  Used the hotel business center to print directions to the bus station in case the taxi driver didn't know where it was.  Am going to make sure I am prepared in the future, no more stressful dealings with taxi drivers for me!!  LOL Checked out & ordered a taxi and lo & behold he knew exactly where the bus station was!!  Got to the bus station a couple of hours early so checked facebook & emails.  Was all ready to get on the bus at 1.40pm (bus scheduled to leave at 1.45pm) but they weren't letting anyone on the bus yet.  Just before 2pm they started letting people on the bus, yay the bus will be late getting to Cincinnati.  Got on the bus & was SO relieved to see it had a toilet onboard.  Sat near the back of the bus (to be near the toilet) and settled in for the ride.  We made a few stops along the way - Gary, Indiana & Lafayette, Indiana - before we arrived & stopped in Indianapolis, Indiana.  When I looked at my watch it said 6pm, we weren't supposed to get to Indianapolis until 7pm, what happened?  Did the bus driver drive that fast??  Nope, just after I looked at my watch the bus driver announced that we were in Indianapolis & that the time there was 7pm.  OK, I lost an hour on the bus.  I tells ya this time change thing is playing havoc with my mind.  LOL  We stopped at Indianapolis for 1hr20m and then got back on the same bus and made our way to Cincinnati.  We arrived at Cincinnati about 10.20pm and there was Victoria waiting for me with a cute glitter sign saying "Pip".  Larry (her husband) and Joey (her son) were there too.  It was so good to finally meet her after about 7 years of online contact.  We then made our way back to her house, with a bit of a detour thru downtown Cincinnati.  Got to Vickie's house & met her niece (Renee), her daughter (Amanda) & one of her grandsons (Jonas), who are all staying with her at the moment.  Talked for a bit and then went to bed.

And you will all be happy coz I didn't take any photos this day at all either.  I will make up for it in the next week or so tho.  MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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