24 September 2012

Cincinnati - part 2 (Tuesday 18th September)

Woke up late, which was all Larry's fault as he has Jeff Dunham dvd's which we had been watching so I had to google a couple of things that night & then I stayed up till 3am watching youtube clips of his earlier work & interviews.  That guy is DAMN HILARIOUS!!!!!!  Had a shower, dressed & then headed out to Cincinnati Zoo.  By now I think you all know what I am going to say here - It was AMAZING!!  It is huge so we only went to the exhibits of animals I haven't seen (ie. those we don't have at Auckland Zoo).  It was awesome to see some animals with my own eyes that I had only seen on tv before - gorilla's, manatee's, bears.  There was one animal I saw that made me squeal with delight, even tho it's not an official zoo animal, I had to video it coz they move so damn fast but I did manage to get a couple of good photos of it.  What is the animal you ask?  Have you finished your mouthful?  Coz if not you may spray it all over your screen.  The animal that made me squeal with delight is . . . . . . . . . . . . . a squirrel.  I told you to finish your mouthful so no blaming me. Hahahaha   At about 4.30pm we realised we hadn't seen the big cats yet, and the zoo closes at 5pm, so I went tearing off by myself to see the big cats.  I went into an exhibit called "Night Hunters" which was off all the big cats that hunt at night, and, well, they're not really 'big' cats, more middle-sized cats, some are even smaller than my cat.  It was very dark in there tho so photos didn't turn out very well.  I will have to wait till I get home to see if I can manipulate them a bit more to make them lighter & clearer.

Near the entry to Cincinnati Zoo.  Ulrich posed for a quick picture.
Andean Conders.
Ulrich riding a huge turtle.  I think it's a bronze statue of a Galapagos Turtle.
Gorilla enclosure.
One of 3 gorillas that were visible that day.
One of the silverbacks having something to eat.
What you lookin' at?
I was very much on my guard.  LOL
Komodo Dragon.
Oh no!!  Ulrich in trouble!
It's ok, he got to safety & wrestled the beast into submission.
Ulrich wrestling with an alligator just his size.  LOL
Manatees.  Mother & son.  They didn't move except to get some air every 20 minutes.
Possum like creature - Garnett's Galago.
Large-spotted Genet - tree climbing cat.
Coquerel's Sifaka.  This is a female & she is hiding her wee baby.
Dad keeping vigil.
American Black Bear.
Eurasian Eagle Owl.
Aardwolf.  Well, a pair of Aardwolves.
Clouded Leopard.
There was no label next to this animal.  Looked extremely like a domestic cat.
Fennec Fox.
Mountain Lion munching on a bird, a real bird, not one given to it by the keepers.
The other mountain lion keeping watch.  Took me a few minutes to realise it was there.
One of the 2 White Tigers.  Such elegant beasts.  (NB: zoom photo - I didn't get this close)
One of the 2 Malayan Tigers.  (NB: not zoom picture - I was actually this close).
Snow Leopard.
And of course - SQUIRREL!!!  LOL

After the zoo we headed home & stopped at Arby's for dinner coz they have mozzarella sticks (another food I have developed a craving for since being here), and they have curly fries.  Their 'burgers' are different coz they don't have a meat patty, they have sliced roast beef, was different & quite tasty.  We then stopped & got a couple of dvd's & then headed home.

Curly fries & mozarella sticks - it doesn't get better than this.  :-)

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