30 September 2012

Cincinnati part 4 - Saturday 22 September

Had a lovely brunch of bacon & eggs, had a shower and then lazed around the house while others got ready for our trip to Coney Island for the fireworks.  Got to Coney Island about 5pm and went on a couple of rides with Amanda & her kids (the J crew).  Then we started getting seating organised for the fireworks show.  I went off to get something to eat & spent 1.5 hours waiting in line.  Yes, 1.5 hours waiting to get a hot dog & when I got there they didn't have any so got some fries (chips) and a funnel cake instead.  It was a bit boring waiting at first, but it was interesting watching all the people.  I met a couple of really nice people while waiting in line, and then just over an hour of waiting I had an experience I will never forget.  A young (late teens) african-american girl tried to cut into the line and that did not go down well.  Everyone in line behind me got very angry and the lady that I had been standing with went up the line (we were about 6 people away from getting served) and told them all that she was cutting in and one of the guys (quite a big guy) turned around & told her to get to the back of the line.  She answered back (words I can't use as young persons may read this) & said that there was no way we had been waiting in line for over an hour, to which everyone replied "If you don't think the wait is that long then why are you trying to cut in, get to the back of the line."  Or words to that effect, some of them rather colourful.  LOL  She had a couple of friends and then threatened to get her 'boys' to come & sort us out, to which one lady further back than me brought her 'boys' forward and said "Go on."  The servers rang security & they arrived a few minutes later, and then a little (he was about my size) policeman (well, he looked like a policeman but could have been hired security) turned up and then it was all on.  The policeman kept his calm while the girls ranted & raved & swore & threatened him and everyone in the line, some people in the line joined in and then after a few minutes the girls left.  I have to say I was most impressed with the little policeman.  It was somewhat frightening but it was also quite exciting and it was my most (and please no one take offence) 'stereo-typical american' experience to date.  LOL  But it doesn't end there.  A few minutes later I was next to be served and an older (65ish) woman all done up with makeup, bleached hair, bluetooth earpiece, pink tracksuit outfit came & stood next to me and said "I'm not cutting in I just want to make sure they have what we want before standing in line." To which I replied "Well, there's the menu." & pointed up to the menu.  She said they may have run out of some things so wanted to ask, so I said ok she could ask.  She then asked the server who said what they had & the continued to serve the person at the window, and then, to my utter astonishment the lady in pink said to me "If I give you 20 bucks will you buy my food for me?"  OMFG!!!  I very calmly told her "No. We only just had security & police here to remove a couple of people cutting in line, there is no way I could do that to all these people. But you are welcome to ask any of them if they will do it for you."  She said "I understand" but didn't move so as soon as the guy in front of me moved from the window I stepped up immediately.  I got my food & drink and headed back to where everyone else was and had only just sat down when the first of the fireworks started.  Out of everyone that had arrived with us there was only Vickie, Larry, Jadyn & I left.  Tommy, Renee, Amanda, Jaicelyn, Jonas & Jalob had all gone home coz it was too cold and Julie had had to leave to drive them.  It was still an amazing time tho.  The fireworks were awesome.  I got some really great photos and took video as well.  There were 4 sets of fireworks - a competition between Mexico, USA & Canada and then a demonstration by the people who do the 4th of July fireworks.  Canada won the competition, which was quite a surprise, but well deserved.  I didn't manage to capture the best part of their show - they made smiley faces & hearts!!  After the show, about 10.30pm, we headed back to the car to get warm & wait for the traffic to ease a bit before heading home.  We had been in the car playing 'I spy' for about 45 minutes when the cars around us moved a car length so we started up the car & got into line and a minute later a policeman knocked on the window and informed us that they were diverting all traffic as there had been a small plane accident on a nearby highway which was causing the backup in traffic.  Can't remember what time we got home but it was after midnight, everyone else was asleep & we all just went straight to bed.
I didn't get any photos of Coney Island itself, or the rides, only got photos of the fireworks.

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